Side Note al Summit Italia smART Community 2021

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian.L’errore della monocultura economica, il falso settore falsamente bianco, la sottoeconomia, l’utopia turistica come illusione locale, il turismo come attività “anche” nelle filiere culturali, l’ecosistema come global wellness, sono i temi messi sul tavolo nell’intervento di Side Note.  

Campeggi e Villaggi Turistici nell’estate 2021 in Toscana

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian.Il mondo del turismo sta attraversando un momento estremamente difficile, non solo per il calo dei viaggiatori, ma anche per la grande incertezza del futuro. La stagione passata, cominciata nel pessimismo, si è rilevata a consuntivo migliore delle aspettative. Il turismo nazionale ha sostituito, seppur parzialmente, quello internazionale,

Comunità Competitiva: fare rete nel sistema turistico

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian. Fare rete negli ecosistemi turistici, trasformarsi da micro imprese a competitors internazionali è il tema del Webinar di venerdì 16 aprile. Organizzato da Chiantiform nell’ambito dell’IFTS Eccellenza Chianti, porterà al tavolo della discussione imprenditori e professionisti che tutti i giorni affronatno il

After COVID-19: being reborn with new ideas and products

Crises accelerate social, habits and consumption changes. What was expected to happen in five years, happens in just one. The same thing is in tourism, where the transformations that are taking place are accelerating. The attacks on the twin towers accelerated the evolution in the use of digital for the management and commercialization

The COVID-19 Wellbeing and Travel Intention Survey

Take part in the survey on Global Wellness in Travel, sponsored by the Global Wellness Institute and take part in the draw to win one of the five packages wellness worth nearly $ 1000 each! The Global Wellness Institute is a non-profit organization with

Latam in applied for Chapter 11. Tourism without air travel? A megatrend for tomorrow’s scenarios.

We are now checking. All the considerations, if not chatter, made so far are measured with reality. Tourism in the summer of 2020 will only experience national and local flows, but in the meantime, some countries, in addition to competitors from Italy, open protected corridors. Ryanair has resumed its flights since July, albeit

What big change will the COVID – 19 crisis bring to tourism?

As happens in many fields, even in tourism, crises accelerate changes, speed up the transformations taking place. The attacks on the twin towers have accelerated the evolution towards the use of digital for the management and marketing of tourist services. In the months that followed the attack, industry giants disappeared, Sabena and Swissair